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Lead Magnet

1 min read

A lead magnet is a marketing strategy used by businesses to attract potential customers by offering them free, valuable content in exchange for their contact information.

Benefits: #

  1. Generates High-Quality Leads: Lead magnets are designed to attract those individuals who are genuinely interested in the content/services that businesses offer. This increases the possibility of converting them into customers.
  2. Builds Trust and Credibility: Lead magnets are a great way to provide valuable content to potential customers. This helps in building trust and credibility with the audience, increasing the likelihood of sales.
  3. Cost-Effective Marketing: Lead magnets are a relatively inexpensive way of generating leads compared to other forms of advertising. Businesses can create and distribute e-books, webinars, or other content with minimal costs, making it an affordable option for startups and small businesses.

Fitness Related Examples #

  1. A macro calculator.
    • We have successfully used this many times.
    • A client gives us a treasure trove of personal information, including their goals.
    • Every single person that cares about getting their macros is someone who would benefit from your services.
    • Ask us about our Formaloo template once you have completed your Automated Client Journey!
  2. A free mini course
    • Formaloo (which is not a part of your tech stack) has the ability to create a simple learning management system (LMS).
    • You can embed videos and worksheet and display a variety of helpful resources to generate and nurture leads.
  3. A PDF Guide
    • We have worked with coaches and developed PDF downloadable content in the form of nutrition guides, stretching guides, habit planners and more!
    • The amazing thing about this is that you can now use your microsite to upload and store the lead magnet, then share the URL via an automated email sequence built in Scalerize!