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Actions are the particular tasks that are performed within a Scalerize Funnel. Think of these as “outcomes” that you can produce to achieve your automation goals.

The following actions are supported by Scalerize:

Delay #

  1. Delay Timer
  2. Date Timer
  3. Field Timer
  4. Advanced Timer
  5. Loop

Communications #

  1. Send Email
  2. Admin Notification
  3. Send SMS
  4. SMS Admin Notification
  5. Send WhatsApp


  1. Apply Tag
  2. Remove Tag
  3. Add Note
  4. Assign Owner
  5. Edit Meta

WordPress #

  1. Create User

Developer #

  1. Webhook
  2. Plugin API Action

Pipeline #

  1. Create Deal
  2. Move Deal

Other #

  1. Zapier Webook